
2 days

Face to Face

This course is designed for those who wish to remove friable asbestos containing material (ACM). The unit includes preparing, containing and removing friable ACM, and includes knowledge of decontamination and disposal requirements.

This competency is a legal requirement for persons seeking a Class A Asbestos licence.

The standard course cost $950.00

Full Payment for your course must be made at least the day prior to the course commencement. When paying EFT the payment must be received at least the day prior to the course commencement. Your place will be confirmed in the course once payment is made in full and course pre-requisites are meet.

If you are enrolling in multiple course’s and the total value exceeds $1500 please contact us to discuss how your payments can be made.

Payment for this course can be made via Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, and Paypal. Please ensure payment is made prior to commencing your course.


Full fees and charges details are available at www.allglobaltraining.com.au


This unit of competency is delivered over 2 days and consists of theory and practical demonstration including practice time. Delivery is at All Global Training’s training facilities or at your workplace by arrangement.

It is a pre-requisite to hold CPCWHS1001 Work safely in the construction industry before enrolling in this course. We must sight (and take a copy of) your Statement of Attainment prior to enrollment.

If you do not bring the White Card and Remove non-friable asbestos prerequisites to your day of training, you will not receive your certification.

Participants must provide Photographic Identification (Licence, Passport etc.).

If participants are unsure of what may be involved, they should contact us immediately to speak to an assessor. If assistance is required in regards to language, literacy and numeracy, please advise your trainer prior to enrolment. Our Student Handbook contains our policies and procedures for information prior to enrolment and is available for download from our website 
Student Handbook

You will need to have a USI. A USI gives you access to your online USI account which is made up of ten numbers and letters. It will look something like this: 3AW88YH9U5.

A USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you will have easy access to your training records and results throughout your life.

To apply for your USI, to watch an informative short video, for a fact sheet or for any general queries about the USI please visit www.usi.gov.au.

You will be required to provide All Global Training with your USI when you enroll with us.

Verification of Competencies can be delivered on-site and at our training facility for this course. For more information, please contact the facility.

Participants are required to wear appropriate clothing including PPE (high visibility, long sleeved shirt, long trousers) and steel capped boots. All Global Training will provide participants with learning material and assessment documentation. A range of assessment methods are used to enable participants to demonstrate competency including: written knowledge test, written calculations test and practical test.

The practical test has a series of skills and abilities that must be demonstrated under the direct observation of the assessor. All Global Training trainers and assessors hold TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, can demonstrate industry knowledge and competence and are WorkSafe approved. The trainer will let you know on the day of training whether you have successfully completed the course and provide you with guidance/advice if you require additional training to complete the unit.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL and Credit Transfer) is the recognition of skills and knowledge gained through formal training, work experience and life experience. If participants have current experience, the course time may be reduced. They may be asked to provide additional evidence to support their application, or participate in a challenge test to assist All Global Training staff in determining their current level of knowledge and skills. All Global Training is obliged to recognise AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organisations. Direct Credit Transfer is available for students who enrol in a course and have an existing equivalent unit of competency from the same or another course. RPL and CT can only be granted against the knowledge and skills component of this course.

Please refer to our Refund Policy www.allglobaltraining.com.au


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