All global training is an RTO with a difference. We will never compromise on quality.
Our name came from a simple conversation between a couple of trainers in the early days, We have a world of experience here, most of us have worked all over the globe and now bring those experiences back home. Hence was born, Your World – Our training, a world of experience, right here, for You.

Our training courses have been specifically designed and written so that students not only walk out competent, but they leave confident to be able to know how to solve problems in the workplace and minimise downtime.

We have a strong emphasis on work health and safety and encourage our students to be proactive in hazard identification and risk management strategies as this forms part of our training, We have many tools in the chest to use and encourage interactive discussions around Work Health and Safety.

Our director has 30 years in the cranes, rigging, and access industries and has witnessed accidents and deaths while at work. His passion to be able to assist a learner to understand and manage the dangers involved with High-Risk Work will never be compromised.
We are a family-owned training business with a total of over 90 years worth of industry experience between our trainers and have seen the changes in technology and improvements in work health and safety standards.

All Global Training has the ability to be flexible and offer Onsite training solutions, Online pre-learning, Verifications of Competence, Remote Travel, and International / Offshore.

We put a very high emphasis on asset integrity and preventative maintenance, which when translated back into the workforce, means your machines are working efficiently for longer.





All Global Training has been formed with the vision of providing specialist quality, no-compromise training and assessing services throughout the Northern Territory in the mining, oil and gas and civil construction industries. Our trainers combined have many years of field experience and have worked in remote locations such as: Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Mongolia, Borneo, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Malaysia, Africa and more.

Our services range from basic verifications of competence, specialist training on machinery, specialist training and mentoring, gap analysis, and training.

We pride ourselves on being conversant with our scope of registration and are able to contextualize our training to suit individual business needs by utilising specifically designed instruction manuals to ensure candidates are not just competent, but they are also confident.



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